Climbing Kilimanjaro Routes - Which is the Best Route?

6-Days Umbwe Route

6 Days Umbwe Route | Trekking TOURS



6-Days Umbwe Route

The Umbwe Route is one of the shortest and most challenging trekking routes to reach the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. It is known for its steep and demanding terrain, making it suitable for experienced climbers who are well-acclimatized or have prior high-altitude trekking experience.

Full Tour Itinerary

Your trek begins at the Umbwe Gate, where you’ll complete the necessary registration procedures. The trail starts in the lush rainforest, and right from the start, it is steep and demanding. You’ll hike through dense vegetation and ascend rapidly, gaining elevation quickly. After approximately 4-6 hours of trekking, you’ll reach Umbwe Camp, where you’ll spend the night.

On the second day, you’ll continue ascending through the moorland zone. The trail becomes even steeper and more challenging as you approach the Barranco Valley. You’ll pass through stunning landscapes, including the Barranco Wall, a notable highlight of the route. The trek usually takes around 5-7 hours, and you’ll camp at Barranco Camp for the night.

Leaving Barranco Camp, you’ll tackle the Barranco Wall, a steep climb that requires some scrambling. After conquering the wall, the trail continues along ridges and valleys, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding glaciers and peaks. After approximately 4-5 hours of trekking, you’ll reach Karanga Camp, where you’ll spend the night. This campsite serves as an excellent acclimatization point before the final push to the summit.

From Karanga Camp, the trail continues through the alpine desert terrain, becoming steeper and more challenging. You’ll ascend to Barafu Camp, the final base camp before the summit attempt. The trek usually takes around 3-4 hours, and at Barafu Camp, you’ll have an early dinner and rest in preparation for the summit push.

Your summit day begins in the early hours of the morning, typically around midnight. You’ll start the challenging ascent to Uhuru Peak, the highest point on Mount Kilimanjaro. The terrain is steep, rocky, and demanding, requiring perseverance and determination. Upon reaching Uhuru Peak, you can enjoy the breathtaking views and take memorable photos. Afterward, you’ll descend back to Barafu Camp for a short rest before continuing down to Mweka Camp, where you’ll spend the night.

On the final day of the trek, you’ll descend through the lush rainforest from Mweka Camp to the Mweka Gate. At the gate, you’ll receive your summit certificates, marking your successful climb to the “Roof of Africa.” From there, you’ll transfer back to your hotel for a well-deserved rest and celebration.

Related Tanzania Trekking Tours

Tour Includes & Excludes

Trekking Includes

> Meals while trekking Kilimanjaro (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)

> Transport to park gate from Hotel and back to the Hotel
> Airport transfer (pick up and drop off at the airport)
> Professional, Friendly and experienced English speaking guides
> Porters, Professional > Mountain cook/chef
> All parks entrance fees, > Hut/Camping fees, rescue fees and government tax (VAT 18%)
> Accommodation (one night before and after trek)
> Camping Equipment’s (Tents, > Table, Chairs, Mattress)
> Salaries for Guide, cook and Porters
> Private toilet (Option to clients)
> Oxygen cylinder for emergency

Trekking Excludes

> Tips to the crew (Guides, cook and porters)
> International Air tickets
> Personal Insurance
> Climbing Gears
> Tanzania Visa
> Sleeping Bag
> Personal items for nature such as alcohol and beverage drinks


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7 Days Mount Kilimanjaro Lemosho Route

7-Days Lemosho Route

7 Days Lemosho Route | Trekking TOURS



7-Days Lemosho Route

The Machame Route is another popular trekking route to reach the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. It is known for its scenic beauty and offers a more challenging and diverse terrain compared to the Marangu Route.

Full Tour Itinerary

Your trek begins at the Lemosho Gate, where you’ll complete the necessary registration procedures. The trail starts in the lush rainforest, and you’ll gradually ascend through the scenic terrain. After approximately 3-4 hours of trekking, you’ll reach the Big Tree Camp, where you’ll spend the night.

On the second day, you’ll continue through the rainforest, and as you gain altitude, the vegetation starts to change. The trail takes you through the heather and moorland zone, offering beautiful views of the surrounding landscape. The trek usually takes around 5-7 hours, and you’ll camp at Shira 1 Camp for the night.

From Shira 1 Camp, you’ll ascend to Shira 2 Camp, crossing the vast Shira Plateau. The terrain becomes more rugged and rocky as you approach the campsite. On this day, you’ll enjoy magnificent views of Mount Meru and the Shira Cathedral. The trek typically takes around 4-6 hours, and you’ll spend the night at Shira 2 Camp.

After breakfast, you’ll leave Shira 2 Camp and proceed towards the Barranco Valley. The trail offers stunning views of the Kibo Peak and the Great Barranco Wall. You’ll descend into the Barranco Valley and then climb up the Barranco Wall, a thrilling section of the trek. After conquering the wall, you’ll continue to Barranco Camp, where you’ll spend the night. The trek on this day usually takes around 6-8 hours.

On this day, you’ll continue your ascent through the alpine desert terrain. The trail takes you along the ridges and valleys, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding glaciers and peaks. After approximately 4-6 hours of trekking, you’ll reach Karanga Camp, where you’ll spend the night. This campsite serves as an excellent acclimatization point before the final push to the summit.

Your summit day begins in the early hours of the morning from Barafu Camp. You’ll start the challenging ascent to Uhuru Peak, the highest point on Mount Kilimanjaro. The terrain is steep, rocky, and demanding, but the reward of reaching the summit is extraordinary. After enjoying the breathtaking views from Uhuru Peak, you’ll descend back to Barafu Camp. After a short rest, you’ll continue down to Mweka Camp, where you’ll spend the night.

On the final day of the trek, you’ll descend through the lush rainforest from Mweka Camp to the Mweka Gate. At the gate, you’ll receive your summit certificates, marking your successful climb to the “Roof of Africa.” From there, you’ll transfer back to your hotel for a well-deserved rest and celebration.

Related Tanzania Trekking Tours

Tour Includes & Excludes

Trekking Includes

> Meals while trekking Kilimanjaro (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)

> Transport to park gate from Hotel and back to the Hotel
> Airport transfer (pick up and drop off at the airport)
> Professional, Friendly and experienced English speaking guides
> Porters, Professional > Mountain cook/chef
> All parks entrance fees, > Hut/Camping fees, rescue fees and government tax (VAT 18%)
> Accommodation (one night before and after trek)
> Camping Equipment’s (Tents, > Table, Chairs, Mattress)
> Salaries for Guide, cook and Porters
> Private toilet (Option to clients)
> Oxygen cylinder for emergency

Trekking Excludes

> Tips to the crew (Guides, cook and porters)
> International Air tickets
> Personal Insurance
> Climbing Gears
> Tanzania Visa
> Sleeping Bag
> Personal items for nature such as alcohol and beverage drinks


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6- 7 Day Machame Route – the most popular route on mount kilimanjaro

6 Days Machame Route

6 Days Machame Route | AFRICAN TOURS



Trekking Overview

The Machame Route is another popular trekking route to reach the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. It is known for its scenic beauty and offers a more challenging and diverse terrain compared to the Marangu Route.

Full Tour Itinerary

Your trek begins at the Machame Gate, where you will complete the necessary registration procedures. The trail starts in the lush rainforest, gradually ascending through the magnificent vegetation. After approximately 5-7 hours of trekking, you’ll reach Machame Camp, where you’ll spend the night.

On the second day, you’ll continue your ascent through the rainforest, which gradually gives way to the moorland zone. The trail becomes steeper as you approach the Shira Plateau, offering stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. The trek usually takes around 4-6 hours, and you’ll camp at Shira Camp for the night.

From Shira Camp, the trail takes you across the vast Shira Plateau, crossing several ridges and valleys. You’ll ascend to Lava Tower (4,630m/15,190ft) for acclimatization before descending to Barranco Camp. The descent helps your body adjust to the altitude changes. The trek on this day typically takes 6-8 hours.

On this day, you’ll tackle the famous Barranco Wall, a steep and thrilling section of the trek. After conquering the wall, you’ll continue along the ridges and valleys, passing through stunning alpine desert scenery. The trek usually takes around 7-9 hours, and you’ll reach Barafu Camp, the final base camp, in the late afternoon.

Your summit day begins in the early hours of the morning, typically around midnight. You’ll start the challenging ascent to Uhuru Peak, the highest point on Mount Kilimanjaro. The terrain is steep, rocky, and demanding, but the reward of reaching the summit is unforgettable. After enjoying the breathtaking views from Uhuru Peak, you’ll descend back to Barafu Camp for a short rest before continuing down to Mweka Camp, where you’ll spend the night.

On the final day of the trek, you’ll descend through the lush rainforest from Mweka Camp to the Mweka Gate. At the gate, you’ll receive your summit certificates, marking your successful climb to the “Roof of Africa.” From there, you’ll transfer back to your hotel for a well-deserved rest and celebration.

Related Tanzania Trekking Tours

Tour Includes & Excludes

Trekking Includes

> Meals while trekking Kilimanjaro (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)

> Transport to park gate from Hotel and back to the Hotel
> Airport transfer (pick up and drop off at the airport)
> Professional, Friendly and experienced English speaking guides
> Porters, Professional > Mountain cook/chef
> All parks entrance fees, > Hut/Camping fees, rescue fees and government tax (VAT 18%)
> Accommodation (one night before and after trek)
> Camping Equipment’s (Tents, > Table, Chairs, Mattress)
> Salaries for Guide, cook and Porters
> Private toilet (Option to clients)
> Oxygen cylinder for emergency

Trekking Excludes

> Tips to the crew (Guides, cook and porters)
> International Air tickets
> Personal Insurance
> Climbing Gears
> Tanzania Visa
> Sleeping Bag
> Personal items for nature such as alcohol and beverage drinks


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Climbing Kilimanjaro Routes - Which is the Best Route?

Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing


Climb Mount Kilimanjaro - What You Want to Know

We offer Kilimanjaro trekking packages that provide an exhilarating journey to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa. With a variety of route options, experienced guides, and excellent support services, to ensure a safe and memorable Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing experience.

We offer different accommodation choices, prioritize safety and acclimatization, and provide pre-trek preparations. Additionally, we can assist  additional services such as airport transfers and arranging accommodations and other tours in Tanzania.

Mount Kilimanjaro: Africa’s highest peak. Stunning landscapes, diverse ecosystems. Multiple routes with varying difficulty. Acclimatization crucial. Changing climates, unique wildlife. Sense of accomplishment at summit. Experienced guides and porters. Best climbed during dry seasons. Prepare, train, and secure permits.

The best time for Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing is during the dry seasons, typically from January to March and from June to October, when the weather is more favorable for climbing.

Successful ascents to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro provide a sense of accomplishment and an opportunity to enjoy panoramic views that stretch across the Tanzanian plains.

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is often a group endeavor, with experienced guides and porters providing support, safety, and assistance throughout the journey.

Kilimanjaro Hiking Tours

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro offers a unique adventure, combining breathtaking landscapes, diverse ecosystems, and the challenge of reaching its iconic summit, Uhuru Peak.

The mountain offers several routes of varying difficulty and duration, allowing climbers to choose the one that suits their fitness level and preferences.

Each route on Mount Kilimanjaro presents its own scenic beauty, from lush rainforests and alpine meadows to rugged terrain and snow-covered slopes.

Climbing Kilimanjaro requires careful acclimatization to the altitude, making it important to choose a well-paced itinerary and allowing enough time for the body to adjust.

Marangu Route - Hut Accommodated Trail With 80% Success Rate

6-Days Marangu Route

6 Days Marangu Route | AFRICAN TOURS



6-Days Marangu Route

The Marangu Route is one of the popular trekking routes to reach the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa. It is also known as the “Coca-Cola” route due to the availability of bottled Coca-Cola along the trail. The Marangu Route is considered one of the easier routes, making it suitable for climbers with less experience.

Full Tour Itinerary

Your trek begins at the Marangu Gate, where you will complete the necessary registration procedures. The trail takes you through the lush rainforest, where you might spot various wildlife and bird species. After around 4-6 hours of trekking, you’ll reach Mandara Hut, where you’ll spend the night.

On the second day, you continue through the rainforest until you reach the heather and moorland zone. The trek is usually steeper on this day, and you’ll encounter several scenic viewpoints. After approximately 5-7 hours of trekking, you’ll reach Horombo Hut, where you’ll stay overnight.

This day is dedicated to acclimatization to help your body adjust to the high altitude. You’ll have the option to take short hikes in the area, explore the surroundings, or simply rest and relax at the camp. Adequate rest and hydration are crucial during this phase of the trek.

The trail on this day takes you through the Alpine Desert zone, characterized by a barren landscape. You’ll ascend to Kibo Hut, the final base camp before the summit attempt. The trek usually takes around 6-8 hours. At Kibo Hut, you’ll have an early dinner and rest in preparation for the summit attempt.

You’ll start the final ascent in the early hours of the morning, typically around midnight. The goal is to reach Uhuru Peak, the highest point on Mount Kilimanjaro, before sunrise. The trek is physically demanding, as you’ll face steep slopes and high altitude. Upon reaching Uhuru Peak, you can enjoy the breathtaking views and take memorable photos. Afterward, you’ll descend back to Kibo Hut for a short rest and then continue down to Horombo Hut, where you’ll spend the night.

On the final day of the trek, you’ll make your way down through the rainforest from Horombo Hut to the Marangu Gate. At the gate, you’ll receive your summit certificates, marking your successful climb to the “Roof of Africa.” From there, you’ll transfer back to your hotel for a well-deserved rest and celebration.

Related Tanzania Safari Tours

Tour Includes & Excludes

Trekking Includes

> Meals while trekking Kilimanjaro (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)

> Transport to park gate from Hotel and back to the Hotel
> Airport transfer (pick up and drop off at the airport)
> Professional, Friendly and experienced English speaking guides
> Porters, Professional > Mountain cook/chef
> All parks entrance fees, > Hut/Camping fees, rescue fees and government tax (VAT 18%)
> Accommodation (one night before and after trek)
> Camping Equipment’s (Tents, > Table, Chairs, Mattress)
> Salaries for Guide, cook and Porters
> Private toilet (Option to clients)
> Oxygen cylinder for emergency

Trekking Excludes

> Tips to the crew (Guides, cook and porters)
> International Air tickets
> Personal Insurance
> Climbing Gears
> Tanzania Visa
> Sleeping Bag
> Personal items for nature such as alcohol and beverage drinks


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Mount Kilimanjaro hiking

5-Days Marangu Route

5 Days Marangu Route | AFRICAN TOURS



5-Days Marangu Route

The Marangu Route is one of the popular trekking routes to reach the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa. It is also known as the “Coca-Cola” route due to the availability of bottled Coca-Cola along the trail. The Marangu Route is considered one of the easier routes, making it suitable for climbers with less experience.

Full Tour Itinerary

Your trek begins at the Marangu Gate, where you will complete the necessary registration procedures. The trail takes you through the lush rainforest, where you might spot various wildlife and bird species. After around 4-6 hours of trekking, you’ll reach Mandara Hut, where you’ll spend the night.

On the second day, you continue through the rainforest until you reach the heather and moorland zone. The trek is usually steeper on this day, and you’ll encounter several scenic viewpoints. After approximately 5-7 hours of trekking, you’ll reach Horombo Hut, where you’ll stay overnight.

This day is dedicated to acclimatization to help your body adjust to the high altitude. You’ll have the option to take short hikes in the area, explore the surroundings, or simply rest and relax at the camp. Adequate rest and hydration are crucial during this phase of the trek.

The trail on this day takes you through the Alpine Desert zone, characterized by a barren landscape. You’ll ascend to Kibo Hut, the final base camp before the summit attempt. The trek usually takes around 6-8 hours. At Kibo Hut, you’ll have an early dinner and rest in preparation for the summit attempt.

On the final day of the trek, you’ll make your way down through the rainforest from Horombo Hut to the Marangu Gate. At the gate, you’ll receive your summit certificates, marking your successful climb to the “Roof of Africa.” From there, you’ll transfer back to your hotel for a well-deserved rest and celebration.

Related Tanzania Safari Tours

Tour Includes & Excludes

Trekking Includes

> Meals while trekking Kilimanjaro (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)

> Transport to park gate from Hotel and back to the Hotel
> Airport transfer (pick up and drop off at the airport)
> Professional, Friendly and experienced English speaking guides
> Porters, Professional > Mountain cook/chef
> All parks entrance fees, > Hut/Camping fees, rescue fees and government tax (VAT 18%)
> Accommodation (one night before and after trek)
> Camping Equipment’s (Tents, > Table, Chairs, Mattress)
> Salaries for Guide, cook and Porters
> Private toilet (Option to clients)
> Oxygen cylinder for emergency

Trekking Excludes

> Tips to the crew (Guides, cook and porters)
> International Air tickets
> Personal Insurance
> Climbing Gears
> Tanzania Visa
> Sleeping Bag
> Personal items for nature such as alcohol and beverage drinks


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Wilderness Safari

8 Days Tanzania Safari Adventure – African Tours

8 Days Tanzania Safari Adventure | African Tours

Tarangire National Park, Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti National Park

Tanzania Safaris Overview

Embark on a remarkable 8-day luxury African safari adventure that will take you through some of Tanzania’s most iconic national parks and wildlife-rich landscapes. This meticulously crafted itinerary offers an unforgettable experience, combining thrilling game drives, breathtaking landscapes, and luxurious accommodations.

This luxury African safari itinerary offers a perfect blend of adventure, wildlife encounters, stunning landscapes, and unparalleled comfort. Whether you choose to conclude your safari in Arusha or continue to the idyllic beaches of Zanzibar, this extraordinary experience will leave you with lasting memories of Tanzania’s natural wonders and its rich cultural heritage

Full Tour Itinerary

Day 1: Arrival and Transfer to Arusha

Set the stage for your safari as you arrive in Arusha, Tanzania. You’ll be greeted by your guide and transferred to a luxurious accommodation where you can relax and prepare for the exciting journey ahead. Enjoy a welcome dinner and receive a briefing on the safari itinerary.

BB Accommodation: – Grand Melia, Mount Meru and Arusha Coffee Lodge

Day 2: Tarangire National Park

Venture into Tarangire National Park, known for its vast elephant herds and picturesque baobab trees. Experience a thrilling game drive and witness the diverse wildlife that calls this park home. Overnight in a luxury lodge within the national park, immersing yourself in the untamed beauty of the African wilderness.

FB Accommodation: – Nyikani Camp, Maramboi Tented Lodge and Taragire Safari Lodge

Day 3: Tarangire –Ngorongoro Highlands

After an early morning game in Tarangire National Park, this day takes you to the Ngorongoro Highlands. Enjoy scenic views of the countryside and Maasai villages as you make your way to a luxurious lodge nestled within the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Take in the breathtaking surroundings and savor the tranquility of the highlands.

FB Accommodation: – Melia Ngorongoro, Entamanu Safari Lodge and Ngorongoro Crater Lodge

Day 4: Ngorongoro Crater

Prepare for a remarkable adventure on Day 4 as you explore the Ngorongoro Crater. Descend into this unique ecosystem and encounter a high concentration of wildlife, including lions, elephants, rhinos, and various bird species. Enjoy a picnic lunch amidst the awe-inspiring landscapes. In the late afternoon, you ascend the crater for your breathtaking accommodation on the rim of the crater which immerses you in a completely natural world.

FB Accommodation: – Melia Ngorongoro, Serena Lodge and Ngorongoro Crater Lodge

Day 5: Enroute game to Serengeti National Park.

 The rest of the days are dedicated to the renowned Serengeti National Park. On day 5, you experience the viewing breathtaking endless plains of the Southern Serengeti for your unforgettable African journey. Enjoy enroot game drive as you head to central Serengeti for dinner and overnight.

FB Accommodation: – Kubukubu Tented Lodge, Dunia Camp and Four season Lodge

 Day 6 and 7: Exploring the great migration

In these two days, you venture into the world of adventure, witnessing drams and wilderness actions older as this planet. You shall witness and follow migrating herds continue their journey in millions, spreading across the savannah, a ground of life and death. This is a place to experience exhilarating game drives and witness the incredible diversity of wildlife, including the iconic big cats and the great wildebeest migration as they roam on the western corridor on their way to the Northern Mara River crossing.  For everlasting memories, you shall overnight in the middle of nature at luxurious Safari lodges, providing both comfort and an authentic safari ambiance.

FB Accommodation: – Melia Serengeti, Lahia Tented Lodge and Kirawira Tented

Day 8: Flight to Arusha or Zanzibar

On the final day, explore the Western Serengeti renowned for its abundant wildlife and thrilling river crossings during the migration season. After an exciting morning game drive, transfer to the nearest airstrip for your flight back to Arusha or to continue your journey to the tropical paradise of Zanzibar for a beach extension.

Breakfast/ Lunch Box

> Services of a professional tour guide
> Transport
> Entrance fees
> All the activities in the itinerary
> Fuel
> Drinking water while on the safari
> Full board Accommodation
> All Government taxes

> Tips for safari Guide 20$ – 25 per person
> Optional activities not detailed in the itinerary
> Visas or air tickets
> International flight
> Laundry Services
> Items of personal nature
> Beverages and drinks

Related Tours & Accommodations

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Luxury African Safaris | Tanzania Tours- Maasai Travel

Classic African Safari | Tanzania Tour

5 Days Tanzania Classic | AFRICAN LUXURY SAFARI

Tarangire National Park | Serengeti National Park

Classic African Safari

This safari package offers an immersive safari adventure in Tanzania. From the captivating elephant herds of Tarangire to the diverse wildlife and picturesque landscapes of Lake Manyara, continuing to the awe-inspiring wildebeest migration in Serengeti National Park and the breathtaking wildlife encounters in Ngorongoro Crater, these destinations showcase the extraordinary beauty and biodiversity that Tanzania has to offer.

Full Tour Itinerary


After a pleasant arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport or any other border posts of the country, you will be welcomed by our company representative who will initially meet and greet you. After an introductory speech, he is going to take you to your allocated accommodation in Arusha City for the night.

Overnight stay in a lodge or hotel on a half-board basis.


After breakfast, head to Tarangire National Park for game viewing and photography, then enjoy a picnic lunch. Tarangire National Park is miniature but nevertheless home to a significant animals population, with a density of species only matched by Ngorongoro. It is famous for its huge baobab trees, African elephants (with a greater number of species than any other park), and tree climbing pythons.

Drive to the camp / lodge in the evening for dinner and an overnight stay on a full board basis.


Breakfast at the camp, departs for Serengeti National Park via Olduvai Gorge en route game viewing and photographing with the picnic lunch. The oldest and most popular National Park, a World Heritage Site recently proclaimed as 7th world wonder of the World, Serengeti is famed for its Annual Wildebeests Migration and uncountable number of predators.

Dinner and overnight at  Lodge / Camp on full board basis.


After breakfast, depart for the Ngorongoro Conservation Area before hiking down to the crater for a picnic lunch and animal watching. The largest unaltered, crumbling caldera in the world, host to several big game animals. Ngorongoro is an exceptional spot since it is a Conservation region, not a National Park. As a result, the Maasai locals who graze their livestock next to the native wildlife administer the entire region. Continue your game drive through this ‘Man and Biosphere Reserve’.

Dinner and an entire night’s sleep will be given at the lodge or camp.


Breakfast at the camp, with the packed lunch shall have a road transfer to Kilimanjaro International Airport for your flight back home as per your schedule.

> Services of a professional tour guide
> Transport
> Entrance fees
> All the activities in the itinerary
> Fuel
> Drinking water while on the safari
> Full board Accommodation
> All Government taxes

> Tips for safari Guide 20$ – 25 per person
> Optional activities not detailed in the itinerary
> Visas or air tickets
> International flight
> Laundry Services
> Items of personal nature
> Beverages and drinks

Related Tours & Accommodations

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Feel free to connect with us directly for any inquiries or questions you may have about your Tanzania safari experience.

Luxury African Safari Lodges & Wildlife Reserves

Tanzania Safari & Tours

Tanzania Safaris & Tours | African LUXURY SAFARI

choose from our variety of professionally designed safari packages

Tanzania Safari Experiences

Indulge in the ultimate Tanzania Safari Experience blended with luxury accommodation and a Zanzibar beach holiday. Prepare yourself for a journey that combines thrilling wildlife encounters, stunning landscapes, and pure relaxation on pristine tropical beaches. Our meticulously designed packages offer a seamless fusion of adventure and luxury, ensuring an unforgettable vacation.

Embark on an exhilarating safari in Tanzania’s iconic national parks, including the vast Serengeti, the breathtaking Ngorongoro Crater, and the captivating Tarangire. Our expert guides will lead you on thrilling game drives, where you’ll have the opportunity to witness the iconic Big Five and the awe-inspiring Great Migration. After exhilarating days of exploration, retire to luxurious lodges and camps nestled amidst the untamed wilderness. Immerse yourself in opulence, surrounded by comfort and elegance, and indulge in world-class amenities and personalized service.

But the luxury doesn’t end there. After your unforgettable safari experience, escape to the tropical paradise of Zanzibar, with its pristine white-sand beaches, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and vibrant marine life. Whether you’re a solo traveler, a couple, or a family seeking a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, choose our Tanzania Safari Experience. Let us take you on a journey of discovery, connecting you with nature, wildlife, and the rich cultural tapestry of Tanzania. 

High-End African Boutique Safari Accommodations

Luxury African Safaris | Tanzania Tours- Maasai Travel

Tanzania Luxury Holiday

9 Days Tanzania Discovery | LUXURY SAFARI

Tarangire | Lake Manyara | Serengeti National Park | Ngorongoro Crater

Tanzania Luxury Holiday

This safari package offers an immersive safari adventure in Tanzania. From the captivating elephant herds of Tarangire to the diverse wildlife and picturesque landscapes of Lake Manyara, continuing to the awe-inspiring wildebeest migration in Serengeti National Park and the breathtaking wildlife encounters in Ngorongoro Crater, these destinations showcase the extraordinary beauty and biodiversity that Tanzania has to offer.

Full Tour Itinerary


Your safari starts from Arusha. You will be picked up from your hotel or Kilimanjaro Airport and drive to Lake Manyara. Lunch will be served at the camp ( or enjoy a picnic at the park ) followed by an afternoon game-drive at Lake Manyara National Park. You will then return for

Dinner & Overnight at one of the camps/lodges at Lake Manyara


After breakfast, embark from Lake Manyara for the Serengeti National Park. A packed lunch will be transported, and there will be a game drive en route to the camp – an afternoon game drive – dinner and overnight at the camp. The location of the Serengeti varies on the season/month of your visit. During the Migration in June/July, the ideal region would be the Western Corridor or Northern section of the country. The central Serengeti is a fantastic area to start your game drives in many directions. Stay in a modest camp for a true safari experience, or pick luxury tented camps or lodges for a little more comfort.


Spend two days in the Serengeti, including game drives. This provides an excellent opportunity to traverse a big region while seeing a variety of species. The Serengeti is called after Siringet, a Masai term for “endless plains” – the park is one of the world’s most well-known animal refuges and represents the typical African safari. It boasts the highest concentration of plains wildlife in Africa, with over 2 million wildebeest and a considerable number of Thomson gazelle and zebra. Even during the peak of the wildebeest migration, when over one million animals are on the move, the Serengeti never feels crowded. The park is located between the coasts of Lake Victoria to the west, Lake Eyasi to the south, and the Great Rift Valley to the east. Return to the camp for a hot lunch or spend the day on game-drive with a packed lunch in the park.

Dinner & Overnight Serengeti.


After breakfast continue with safari to the Olduvai Gorge with packed lunch. The place is also known as “The Cradle of Mankind” and is a steep-sided canyon within East Africa’s Great Rift Valley. The Olduvai Gorge is one of the world’s most important ancient sites, and it has helped to further our knowledge of early human evolution. Brief Before heading to the Ngorongoro Crater rim, see the museum and visitor’s center.

Dinner and accommodation at the Ngorongoro Crater Rim. The resort is constructed high on the crater rim, offering breathtaking views over and into the crater–truly a natural wonder!


After an early breakfast, descend into Ngorongoro Crater for a game-drive with a packed lunch. The crater is the world’s largest unbroken volcanic caldera, 600 meters deep, about 20km across and 300sq kms.The steep sides of the crater provide a natural enclosure for a very wide variety of wildlife and therefore great for game-viewing.

Afternoon proceed to Karatu and check in at the lodge in the middle of a coffee plantation for Dinner & Overnight.


After breakfast proceed to Tarangire National Park. The park is located between the Masai Steppe in the South East and the Lakes of the Great Rift valley to the North and West. The Tarangire River flows in the Northern part of the park, and ends up at Lake Burungi in the North-West. Tarangire has stunning views, a high variety of wildlife and is less crowded compared to some other parks and reserves.

Arrival in time for lunch – afternoon game-drive – Dinner & Overnight Tarangire National Park


Spend the day at Tarangire with game-drives, return to the camp/lodge for a hot lunch or enjoy a picnic in the park. Tarangire is usually very dry however its vegetation is much greener than in other areas, especially with lots of elephant grass and vast areas with mixed acacia woodlands. The best time to visit is between June and October, when there are big numbers of elephants as well as wildebeest and zebras. Impalas also exist in large numbers together with eland, buffalo, giraffe, gerenuk and Oryx amongst just a few to mention. Leonard, lions and cheetahs are often seen in the southern open areas.

Dinner & Overnight Tarangire National Park.


Enjoy your last early morning game-drive at Tarangire! Drive back to Arusha, option to fly to Zanzibar for a few relaxing days on the beach or drop off at JRO Kilimanjaro Airport.

> Services of a professional tour guide
> Transport
> Entrance fees
> All the activities in the itinerary
> Fuel
> Drinking water while on the safari
> Full board Accommodation
> All Government taxes

> Tips for safari Guide 20$ – 25 per person
> Optional activities not detailed in the itinerary
> Visas or air tickets
> International flight
> Laundry Services
> Items of personal nature
> Beverages and drinks

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